Our collection of Delta 8 Gummies falls into two categories: plain Delta 8 THC gummies, and strain specific gummies.
Our strain specific gummies incorporate terpenes to deliver a targeted cannabinoid experience. Terpenes are naturally occurring botanicals found in hemp, and when used in cannabis products, they can customize the way you experience THC-- whether that experience is more energizing, sedating, or balanced.
We offer three categories of strain specific Delta 8 gummies:
Indica Gummies, which contain terpenes for relaxing, soothing results, allowing tension to melt away in body and mind. If indica sounds right for you, try Barney’s Botanicals Watermelon Zkittles Gummies.
Sativa Gummies, which are energizing, uplifting, and mood boosting. These incorporate sativa terpenes, making them perfect for daytime use, giving you an extra boost to make the most of your day. Try Pineapple Express gummies or Orange Creamsicle for an instant lift.
Hybrid Gummies, which strike a perfect balance between the relaxing properties of Indica, and the uplifting tendencies of sativa strains. Hybrid gummies are perfect for any occasion--they can be used daytime or nighttime, and are neither too sedating nor too energizing. Hybrid gummy strains include Blue Dream and Cherry Pie.
Barney’s Botanicals’ terpene infused gummies make it easy to customize your THC experience.
For those seeking a more generalized Delta 8 experience, we also offer plain Delta 8 gummies with 25 or 50mg THC per piece, with pure THC from Barney’s Botanicals.
All gummies are vegan, non-GMO, and created with natural colors and flavors, crafted from all-natural, US-grown hemp.